Learn About Mutual Funds Learn About Mutual Funds

How to Learn about Mutual Funds?

Investing in mutual funds online can be a great way to grow your wealth over time, but it’s important to understand the basics of how they work before jumping in. That’s why you’re here, aren’t you? This blog will help you understand how to learn about mutual funds.

How to Learn about Mutual Funds?

A mutual fund is a pool of money collected from investors and invested in different financial assets like stocks, bonds, and more. It is professionally managed by a fund manager who allocates the money across financial assets with the aim to generate better returns.

Learning about mutual funds will allow you to go deeper and unwrap the inner workings of every type of mutual fund. This, in turn, can help you plan your portfolio and choose the right kind of mutual funds based on your goals. 

For example, the ability to gauge the impact of Assets Under Management (AUM) can only be possible when you know what is AUM in mutual funds. But knowing where to start can be difficult. 

After all, there’s noise and a volume of information that’s available everywhere in the world. That’s why we’ve compiled the following list of popular resources on how to learn about mutual funds. 

1. Take a Mutual Fund Course

Online courses are an increasingly popular way to understand the concept of mutual funds and its nuances. Look for courses that are specifically designed for new investors and focus on providing detailed information about what are mutual funds and how they work

These courses will help you form a strong foundation of mutual fund investments and enlighten you on how to select mutual fund types and schemes. 

2. Read Investment Books

You can find several books on starting mutual fund investment, both online and offline. Reading investment books is a great way to get a solid understanding of mutual funds and how they work. Look for books written by financial experts and investment professionals. 

You must also focus on those that are specifically geared toward new investors. These books usually cover the journey of an experienced trader since their first trade, which can help you a lot. We’ve done this for stocks with our blog on the Best Books to Read For the Stock Market.

3. Attend Investment Seminars/Classes

Attending investment seminars can provide in-depth information about mutual funds and other investment vehicles. Many seminars and classes are conducted by financial advisors and investment professionals who can provide insights into this space and answer your questions. 

Seminars and classes can also help you learn how to learn SIP investment. Popular words and phrases like SIP (Strategic Investment Plan), ETF (Exchange Traded Funds), AUM (Asset Under Management), and Face Value are frequently used while investing in mutual funds. 

Knowing what they mean is necessary for investors to clear all sorts of doubts and aid them in the decision-making process. We at Dhan have organized Meet & Greets across the country to enable traders & investors to discuss all things markets. Here’s a snippet:

4. Consult an Advisor

Experienced advisors are usually the go-to people to learn about investing in mutual funds. They can help offer guidance for investing in mutual funds. This can help aspiring investors develop investment strategies to reach their financial goals quickly. 

Consulting with a financial advisor can be a great way to get personalized advice and information about mutual funds. A financial advisor can help you understand the basics of mutual funds, how they work, and how they may fit into your overall investment strategy.

5. Participate in Online Forums

You can find several finance-oriented forums online like Dhan Community. Online forums and discussion groups can be great places to learn about mutual funds from real people who have experience with them. 

Look for forums dedicated to personal finance, investing, or mutual funds specifically, and start reading and participating in the conversations. You can also find useful learning resources and existing portfolios of experienced investors, which can be valuable resources for those who are just starting out.

6. Use Investment Tools and Calculators

One of the most unique ways of learning about mutual funds can be through investment tools and calculators. Investment tools and calculators can help you understand the basics of mutual funds, such as how they are priced, how they perform over time, and how they compare to other investment vehicles. 

Many web trading platforms offer free investment tools and calculators that you can use to learn more about mutual funds. At Dhan, you can find a comprehensive mutual fund calculator that can enable you to calculate your estimated returns based on your investment amount and time period. 


Mutual funds are used by investors to reach their wealth-creation goals. But every mutual fund is a market-linked investment that has several moving parts to it. Knowing what you’re investing in can help you analyze the asset and make better decisions. 

That’s why it’s important to learn about mutual funds. How you learn about mutual funds also matters, which stems from choosing the optimal avenues like the ones mentioned above. While you acquire more knowledge about mutual funds, we’re building our own mutual fund investment platform. Stay tuned!