Green Bonds in India Green Bonds in India

What are Green Bonds in India?

Sustainable development is becoming one of the core goals of many nations, including India. One way to finance these projects is to issue fixed-income securities like green bonds. 

Green bonds in India allow the government and corporates to raise money from investors to build and develop green infrastructure. But what are green bonds in India? Continue reading to know more!

What are Green Bonds in India?

Green bonds are eco-friendly fixed-income debt securities dedicated to financing or refinancing green projects that have environmental benefits. 

This type of special bond is issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations.

When you purchase a green bond, you lend money to the issuer who promises to pay you back with interest.

This money raised from you and other investors is used to carry out green projects like solar power harnessing.  

Investing in green bonds appeals to many because of their dual benefit: financial returns and environmental conservation. 

In fact, they offer an attractive investment avenue to encourage sustainable practices while generating competitive returns.Β 

From renewable energy projects to water treatment facilities, these bonds finance initiatives that align with global environmental objectives. 

That said, the success of such projects relies heavily on investor trust, meaning transparency in how funds are used is crucial. 

Benefits of Investing in Green Bonds

Green bonds provide a unique opportunity for investors to contribute to environmental sustainability while gaining economic benefits. 

They represent the blending of investment strategy and environmental consciousness. The following section describes all such benefits of investing in green bonds. 

1. Attractive Returns

Like traditional bonds, green bonds are known to offer competitive returns. The interest rate is often fixed and paid out at regular intervals, making green bonds an attractive passive income source

2. Risk Management

Investment in green bonds can be used as a risk-balancing technique for an equity-heavy portfolio. This technique, known as hedging, can be useful during volatile times. 

3. Supporting Sustainable Development

Green bonds are used to finance projects like renewable energy and waste management, allowing investors to contribute to the environment positively.

4. Regulatory Support

As governments worldwide push towards green initiatives, bonds for green projects often receive regulatory support. This may lead to incentives for investors and issuers. 

5. Increased Transparency

Issuers of green bonds are obliged to report on the use of proceeds, which brings an added layer of transparency and accountability, boosting investor confidence.

How to Invest in Green Bonds in India?

If you are wondering how to invest in green bonds in India, then there are two options available. 

You can invest through your trading account with a broker house like Dhan or through RBI Retail Direct. 

Let’s look at the steps to invest in green bonds in India:

  • Identify a Broker: Start by choosing a reputable and regulated brokerage firm that offers access to the bond market.
  • Open a Trading Account: After selecting a broker, open a trading account. This process typically involves providing identification documents and more KYC-related details.
  • Research Green Bonds: Once the account is active, research various green bonds available in India. Evaluate their risk, return, and the environmental projects they fund.
  • Plan Your Investment: Determine how much money you are willing to invest in green bonds. This decision should align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  • Purchase the Bonds: Place an order through your brokerage account to purchase the chosen green bonds. Your broker will handle the transaction details.

Who Can Issue Green Bonds in India?

In India, a wide range of entities can issue green bonds. Public sector units, municipalities, and corporations often issue these bonds to fund eco-friendly projects. 

Financial institutions, including commercial banks and development banks, can also release green bonds. 

Additionally, renewable energy companies often leverage green bonds for funding. 

Issuers must disclose how the funds will be used, ensuring transparency.

India’s Securities and Exchange Board (SEBI) sets the guidelines and regulations for issuing green bonds. This answers the question of who can issue green bonds in India.

Why Green Bonds Important in Sustainable Finance & ESG Investing

Green bonds play a vital role in sustainable finance and Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) investing. 

They provide the required capital for projects with environmental benefits, aiding the global fight against climate change. 

Investing in green bonds can be a practical approach to incorporating ESG factors into an investment portfolio. 

By doing so, investors not only earn potential financial returns but also support environmental sustainability. 

This aligns with the ESG principle of creating long-term value in a way that also considers social and environmental impact. 


Green bonds are an impactful investment avenue in India. They merge financial growth with environmental responsibility. 

Investors, attracted by potentially high returns and environmental impact, increasingly opt for them. 

These bonds finance renewable energy, waste management, and similar green initiatives. 

By investing in these bonds, you can diversify your portfolio and contribute to a sustainable future through various developmental projects. 

Thus, green bonds serve as a crucial link between financial markets and the pursuit of sustainable development. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the eligibility criteria for issuing green bonds in India?

Any entity can issue green bonds in India, provided they adhere to SEBI guidelines, which include transparent reporting of fund usage and backing by sustainable projects.

Q. How are the proceeds from green bonds utilized for sustainable projects?

Proceeds from green bonds directly finance green projects. These involve renewable energy, waste management, or other eco-friendly initiatives, contributing to a sustainable environment.

Q. Are green bonds only issued by government entities or also by private companies?

Green bonds can be issued by both government entities and private companies. They offer a viable funding method for any organization investing in environmentally beneficial projects.