What is Brokerage What is Brokerage

What is Brokerage: Meaning, Types, & More

A broker is the bridge that enables you to buy and sell securities. From traditional brokers to online platforms, there are various types of brokers catering to different needs.

Understanding the basics of brokerage empowers you to choose the right one for your online trading needs while ensuring you know how the entity functions. Let’s explore what is brokerage, its types, and more together.

What is a Brokerage in the Stock Market?

A brokerage is an institution that acts as an intermediary for executing stock market transactions. 

They can be individuals or institutions often addressed as stock brokers, brokerages, or brokerage firms.   

Beyond execution, these firms provide services such as portfolio management and financial advice, in return for which they may charge a fee known as “brokerage fees” or simply “brokerage”.

Brokerage can vary between platforms but is generally higher for intraday, futures, and options trading than for equity delivery. Brokerage is usually based on a percentage of the transaction or a flat fee. 

Example of a Brokerage

One example of brokerage is Dhan. Dhan is a stock broking company that offers trading platforms for traders. Dhan is regulated by SEBI and a Depository Participant (DP). 

Dhan offers the following features:

  • Charges: Dhan offers low and flat-rate brokerage charges, with a brokerage charge of ₹20 for most types of trades.
  • Account fees: Dhan doesn’t charge account opening or maintenance fees.
  • Trading platforms: Dhan offers multiple trading platforms.

Dhan is a registered broker with SEBI. It offers a wide range of financial services, such as equity trading, commodity trading, etc. 

Purpose & Functions of a Brokerage

A brokerage serves as a vital intermediary in the world of financial markets, connecting buyers and sellers of various assets. The primary purpose and functions of a brokerage are:

1. Facilitate Trading

A brokerage is a necessary mediator, swiftly executing your buy and sell orders in financial markets. 

Acting as your bridge to the stock market, the firm ensures that your transactions are carried out accurately and promptly. 

This makes the process of trading seamless and efficient for your trading journey.

2. Provide Market Access

A brokerage opens the door to primary and secondary markets. It provides access to trading platforms, allowing you to engage with stocks, bonds, commodities, and more. 

This access empowers you to explore opportunities, execute transactions, and actively participate in the dynamic world of trading.

3. Portfolio Management

Traditional brokers assist in managing trading portfolios by advising clients on diversification, thereby spreading trading across various assets to minimize risk.

They guide in balancing the portfolio, aligning with individual risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions for optimal performance and stability.

4. Risk Management

In your trading journey, brokers play a crucial role in managing risks. They evaluate potential challenges associated with your trading, offering insights and strategies to safeguard your portfolio. 

With their expertise, you can navigate uncertainties, make informed decisions, and ensure a balanced approach to risk management in your financial endeavors.

5. Account Management

In managing your account, the firm keeps meticulous records of your transactions and portfolio holdings.

This ensures transparency and compliance with regulations. 

By maintaining organized records, the brokerage provides you with a clear overview of your financial activities, fostering trust and accountability in your trading journey.

Types of Brokerages

There are various types of brokerages that cater to different preferences and needs. Here are some common types:

1. Full-Service Brokerage

A full-service broker is a traditional broker that offers traders a variety of services, including: 

Stock trading:

  • Research
  • Advisory
  • Tax planning
  • Retirement planning
  • Investment and wealth management
  • Real estate planning
  • Risk management

Full-service brokers have physical branches, and some have online platforms too. 

Clients are assigned to individual stockbrokers and/or financial advisors, who are the main point of contact at a full-service brokerage firm. 

Full-service offerings are typically priced from 1% to 2% or more. 

Many people who use management services pay a fee every year that is based on a fraction of their total assets. 

2. Discount Brokerage

Discount Brokerages in India, streamline trading for self-reliant traders by offering low-cost, execution-only services.

These platforms focus on efficient order execution with reduced commission fees, making them attractive to traders who prefer managing their trade independently without the added expense of extensive advisory services.

3. Robo-Advisory Platforms

Robo-advisors are automated trading platforms utilizing algorithms to create and manage diversified portfolios based on traders’ preferences and risk tolerance. 

Operating without human intervention, these digital advisors provide cost-effective and accessible financial planning services, making trading decisions and adjustments in response to market conditions.

They offer a user-friendly approach, particularly appealing to those seeking hands-off, algorithm-driven portfolio management.

The Impact of Brokerage Charges

In India, brokerage costs range up to 0.5% of the transaction value. If the share is worth Rs 10,000 and the brokerage fee is 0.1%, the total amount comes to Rs 10. 

SEBI, which is a regulatory authority, has set some rules for brokers. 

They say that for regular stock trading, where you buy and hold onto the stocks (equity delivery), the broker can’t charge more than 2.5% of the total value as the brokerage fee.

If you’re doing quick, same-day trading (intraday), the limit is even lower at 0.25%. There are additional charges along with brokerage that you need to be aware of, such as STT Charges.

Transaction Estimator on Dhan: Check all fees right from brokerage to STT before making a trade!

How to Choose a Brokerage?

Choosing a brokerage is important as it allows you to build wealth via the markets. First off, you need to understand your unique financial needs.

Are you looking to trade short-term or invest for the long-term? Will you be fine on your own or do you need guidance?

Answers to questions such as these will help you determine what type of broker you choose. 

Of course, you need to also evaluate the brokerage’s fees as well as the support offered pre and post-account opening, ensuring that you understand the level of transparency on offer in exchange for the fees you’ll pay.


Understanding what is brokerage in the stock market is crucial. Whether it’s a full-service broker offering expert advice or a discount broker for independent traders, each type plays a unique role.

They provide market access, manage risks, and assist with everything from trade execution to portfolio management. 

Understanding the purpose and types of brokerages empowers you to navigate the financial world confidently.


Q: What is brokerage used for?

Brokerages are used to enter the securities market for a fee, known as a brokerage is a fee, which facilitates the buying and selling of financial instruments like stocks in India.

Q: What is brokerage in the stock market?

In the stock market, a brokerage is a firm that acts as a middleman, enabling investors to buy and sell stocks and other securities.

Q: Can I trade without a broker?

In India, trading in the stock market typically requires the services of a broker, as direct access for individuals is not common.

Q: Can I sell my stock without a broker?

Selling stocks in India usually involves a broker, as individuals generally don’t have direct access to the stock exchange.

Q: Can I directly buy shares without a broker?

Directly buying shares without a broker in India is not possible, as brokers facilitate these transactions.