5 Things to Look at before Buying & Selling Shares Online 5 Things to Look at before Buying & Selling Shares Online

5 Things to Look at Before Buying and Selling Shares

Venturing into the online trading market as a rookie investor might be scary. You are aware that the strategy is to purchase stocks at a discount and then sell them at a profit. However, when it comes to buying and selling shares or purchasing specific equities, you may find yourself at a loss.

5 factors to consider while buying and selling shares

When doing online stock trading, there are several things to consider before pulling the trigger. After all, you’re looking to invest in a fantastic firm at an affordable price.

1. Investment Plan

Before you purchase your first piece of stock, it’s critical to learn various investment techniques and pick one or more to implement in your trading practice. Investment plans are tricky because they remove much of the emotion and guesswork from the equation by providing clear instructions for purchasing and selling equities. When investing, it is critical to ensure that the stocks you purchase adhere to the criteria established by your plan.

2. Diversification

It is critical for developing and sustaining a high-quality investment portfolio. It is the practice of diversifying your investments across several equities and other financial instruments in various sectors and markets.

Before purchasing a stock, it’s critical to assess the degree of diversity currently present in your portfolio.

3. Shareholding Pattern

Promoters are entities that exert significant influence on a business. They may control a sizable portion of the firm or hold prominent management roles.

Thus, investors should choose firms with a sizable promoter stake, a sizable domestic institutional investor stake, and a sizable foreign institutional investor stake.

4. Volatility

On bullish days, stocks with a high level of volatility will climb rapidly, while falling like a brick on negative days. If you buy a low-volatility stock that moves slowly and a recent rise reverses, you can benefit from your gains before they vanish.

On the other side, equities with rapid movement give you little opportunity to abandon the investment, and when a trend reverses, you may incur losses.

5. Dividend History

These are characterized by the practice of paying a portion of their profits to investors in the form of dividends. Income investors might consider investing in these dividend equities.

If an investor’s objective is to produce income from their assets, they should research a company’s dividend history before purchasing its stock.

Income investors seeking a high amount of income relative to the stock’s price might consider the dividend yield stated as a percentage of the stock’s price.

What to avoid while selling your stock?

As you monitor your stocks and the success of the company in which you have invested, be cautious of selling out too soon.

Individual equities should be purchased with funds that you are comfortable keeping locked up for at least the next five years. To optimize your gains, it is prudent to hold for the long term, particularly during periods of market volatility.


One of the most common mistakes fresh investors make is mindlessly purchasing stocks merely because they recognize the company’s name or because someone urged them.

If you’re thinking about purchasing a stock, it’s critical to understand the marketplace and the wider economy.

You can read about these 5 Important stock trading lessons that will help you with behavior biases and take better decisions in buying and selling shares.

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Happy Trading 📈

Disclaimer: This blog is not to be construed as investment advice. Trading and investing in the securities market carries risk. Please do your own due diligence or consult a trained financial professional before investing.

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