Building Dhan as Investor First Platform Building Dhan as Investor First Platform

Building Dhan as Investor First Platform

No Spam. No Calls. No Promotional SMS. No Relationship Managers. No Trade Advice. No Data Sharing.

At Raise, our products are built on this core philosophy – we will bring exceptionally great products, awesome user experience, and best-in-class customer service to our users. 

We announced Dhan in November 2021, and as you would think – yes, we all are building it fast and gearing up to launch our first investing & trading app and bringing it on your phones. Dhan is being built as a technology-led experience and built specifically for super traders and long term investors. While we keep technology-first approach in building our product, we are keeping our users – investors and traders even before that. 

Our culture code at Raise is already shared. As we get hands down in preparation to launch Dhan – our trading & investment platform, we are sharing the guiding principles on which we are building Dhan for our users. 

It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.

Roy E Disney

We are sharing this in the spirit of being transparent with our users. We feel that with time we will keep evolving these values & principles. At this moment, it looks like the following:

✔️ No spam for you
The definition and interpretation of the word Spam has evolved over the years. To keep it very simple for users of Dhan – if it is not relevant for you, you will not hear it / get it from us.

✔️ No calls. We will never call you, almost never!
It’s simple, we will never call you.

We won’t call you for IPOs.
We won’t call you to sell you anything.
We won’t call you to tell you any investment tips.
We won’t call you to tell you about trading or money-making opportunities.
We won’t call you to cross sell any financial products.
And we won’t even spook you with calls if you drop off while finishing your KYC or onboarding. That is scary.

What we simply mean to say is – you will never get a call from us unless you want us to call you or in situations where it is mandatorily required by us.

✔️ No promotional SMS messages
You will never receive any promotional SMS from us, and it does not matter if you are on a Do Not Disturb (DND) list or not.

✔️ No Relationship Managers
Over time we have realised that most relationships managers instead of managing relationships with their clients, they sell. We believe that our app is the best possible way to manage our relationships with our users.

While it may take us some time for us to reach there as not all processes are fully digital, this is what we aspire to do. To serve our users, we have the Dhan app and everyone in our team is building the product & experience centred around you.

✔️ No trading & investment advice
Investing in securities itself is subject to market risk. And trading and investing calls or any form of advice around it is subjective.

We do what we are good at – building products with technology at its core. Hence Dhan will be a platform to execute your decisions as a user. We will never provide our users with any advice to trade or invest in any stocks.

If there are situations where we are unsure of inherent risks with any investment or trading products or opportunities, we will prefer to take a conservative stand. While this may result in loss of transactions, users, and also business, we are thinking more about long-term impact v/s short term gains – both for our users and for us at Dhan.

✔️ No data sharing
Your data belongs to you. We will operate under regulations and obligations to store and process your data to facilitate services for you; at no point, your data will be shared with any third party in any way that will be monetized by us or any third party without your permission.

Your data is yours, we are mere custodians of it in your journey. We value your privacy.

We are a Transaction Execution Platform
Dhan is a transaction execution platform with technology at its core. We are building a product that will help our users make trading & investment decisions, gather insights for them, and execute them with the consent of our users. Users will execute their transactions, we will not.

At no point will Dhan encourage users to take decisions that are not aligned with their interests.

😀 Building with Users
We are building Dhan with our users – building products, features and solutions that our users seek for. Over a course of time – we will introduce multiple ways for our users to engage and interact with us in building Dhan together.

This includes a vibrant Dhan Community, feedback mechanisms built in our product for you to share your experiences and feature requests, group discussions and interactions with product teams at Dhan, groups on messaging apps for traders & investors to share specific requirements, emails to communicate with us, and many such avenues. We aim to work closely with a select group of users with whom we will pilot features, build, test, validate and perfect our products before making them available for all.

We feel there is a huge opportunity to build innovative products for traders & investors.

We are excited to build and bring Dhan quickly for you ⚡

Raising The Bar,
Team Dhan